I “tried it” only to be presented with a screen that displayed the message: “Not found. Retry”. Please explain.

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Hmmm, that's weird. I just tried it on multiple machines and it works. What link are you clicking on? Try this one: https://chatgpt.com/g/g-RIrTf4Y5o-customer-interviewer

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Just tried the link you presented…same result. ???

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https://chatgpt.com/g/g-RIrTf4Y5o-customer-interviewer is the link - I had a few other people try it and no problems. I'm not sure why that's not working - I'll double check a few things

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OK…I’ve spent enough time on this for now. FYI, I copied the link; posted it to a browser; I was required to log into my OpenAI account; after successfully logging in, I “Prompted” HELLO. Result: Not Found…Retry.

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The “Try it yourself” link under the “Post interview feedback” segment…gray background…Courier font.

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The same link shown in this part of your write up…oops, I am not able to post a screenshot here…

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This seems like a useful idea. However, some of the working details are not included in your presentation. IMHO

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